Opening for a Speech or Presentation

Speech or Presentation:

Do not waste your time on dull talks. Speech or presentation openers can be used to display confidence and engage your audience.

Good openers are what writers call a “hook.”   The hook (or grabber) is the part of a speech that compels an audience to sit up and pay attention.  It’s a way of grabbing the audience and pulling them into the content.  It should come at the beginning of a talk, where it can do the most good.  From there the fine art of communication will have to take over.

  • Make it resonate with the audience.
  • Make it surprise the audience.
  • Make it concise.
  • Make it fall into something larger than the topic.

“I’m about to share the ….. secrets no one ever told you.”
Why this works: It makes an irresistible promise that audience can’t ignore
“Who likes ….. ?”  or  “What do you…?”
Why this works: The question begs to be answered so the audience pays attention (Question Technique/Personalisation Technique)
Example – Raise your hand if you’ve ever been asked the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?”.
“Have you ever wondered why ….. ?”
Why this works: Empathizes with the audience, eg. Have you ever wondered why you have to spend so much time writing your TPE reports?
“Here’s why you’re wasting your time on ….. ”
Why this works: Shocks the audience to attention with the fear they are using their time for something unnecessary
Example –Do not waste your time on dull talks. Speech or presentation openers .. (see above)
“This is what ….. will surely look like next year. ”
Why this works: Change, or the threat of change, gets attention
“Here’s how I make my wife/husband very, very angry: ”
Why this works: The promise of an interesting story is irresistible
“My massive business/meeting/presentation/social/….. mistake was ….. ”
Why this works: Engagement through the implicit promise of success by avoiding failure
“These are the 3 warning signs you need to ….. ”
Why this works: Am I okay? Do I have any of the warning signs? I must listen! I must pay attention!